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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Young women entrepreneurs Nowadays

I do found a website regarding entrepreneurs that shares the information regarding the young entrepreneurs nowadays and how they make their move to success. One of the interesting story would be the article by Sarah J.Robbins ,"Young Women Entrepreneurs Speak Out About Starting Up Today".

This article talks about a few young ladies entrepreneurs about starting up business lately. All of them are from different line of job scope, some of them in mobile music apps, wedding planner, software company and so on.

One of the young women entrepreneurs,

Kellee Khalil

As a female founder in the male-dominated tech industry, people sometimes dismissed how serious I was. It didn't help that I am a woman who happens to care about fashion -- and who likes to dress up and wear makeup.

At the end of one of the first-ever pitches I did, to which I wore a pink top, a black, poufy skirt, and pink lipstick, the feedback I got was,"Your presentation was one of the best, by far, but you should know your audience -- and never dress like that again." While it wasn't what I wanted to hear, it's my job to adapt. And if something's not working, I need to change it.

Now I wear all black and very little makeup in pitch meetings. Because despite the fact that I love high heels, bright lipstick and pink floaty dresses, I mean business.

Nanxi Liu

The fact that I am a 22 year-old woman leading a tech startup is something that is constantly on my mind in all my interactions. I've been to countless events where I am one of the few people under 30 and even more events where I am one of the only women. Whenever I begin talking to someone, I know that I have to prove that I am worth their time -- in about 20 seconds -- because they question my credibility the moment I open my mouth.

Of course, there is a large benefit to being young and a female in entrepreneurship: You stand out. You're more memorable. People are more easily impressed when you're young and building your own company.

Another very young women entrepreneur which only 24 years old,

Krystal Harrel

Not a day that goes by that I forget that I am a woman, but it's also not something that occupies my mind. I've learned to embrace my advantages and disadvantages, and, more importantly, I believe excuses sound good to those who make them.

Let's take Ivanka Trump, for example. She has become one of the recent owners of Miami's Doral Golf Resort and Spa, which once held a high reputation of luxury and championship golf courses. Prior to 2012, for 80 years, women were denied membership to the Augusta National Golf Club.

Hey, if you can't be a member, you certainly can be the owner. Where there is a will, there is a way!

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